This is something that I've wondered about for quite some time - _why_ should news be interesting? It's just a collection of events that may have an effect on peoples lives. It can be utterly and terribly dull, except for the small populace actually affected by the event.

Of late  For a long time now, news papers have started to sensationalise everything. Blow small things out of proportions. And, this is the worst of all, mix reporting of news with the reporter's own opinions (gasp!), with colourful adjectives tossed in for good effect.

The last one is the most unforgivable of all crimes. For a news article should be free of adjectives, impersonal, and to the point. If I wanted to read the damn reporter's opinion, I'd read the damn editorial.

News is just a collection of events happening in a place that may have a impact on peoples lives, either on a small or large scale. And it should be reported as such.

And the use of ethically questionable methods to obtain news, all just to sell more newspapers, or get more viewers for the news channel is quite unforgivable.

And if you think about it, there is no reason why news should be interesting, or made interesting. Mind you, I'm not saying news has to be uninteresting, but making news "interesting" just to sell a few more copies of newspapers or get a few more (well, ok, thousands more) viewers of the news channel is a crime deserving punishment far worse than being sent to hell!